Thursday, May 5, 2011

100 tips to help you live to 100

  1. Don't smoke. Or if you do, give it up.
  2. Pet a pet. Several studies show simply petting an animal can lower one's blood pressure.
  3. Walking is perhaps the best low-stress exercise that can keep your body fit.
  4. Eat a healthy breakfast.
  5. But don't forget to watch your weight.
  6. As much as possible, avoid wild bears.
  7. Add sharks to the list of wild animals to stay away from.
  8. Don't live in filth. In other words, pick up the garbage around your place. This will cut down the chances of you contracting disease, suffering from infections, etc.
  9. Also, don't forget to clean where you live. White vinegar is cheap and an excellent natural cleaner.
  10. Drink more water than other liquids. It really is good for your body.
  11. Eat a little cinnamon from time to time. It's healthy!
  12. Garlic is good for you, as well.
  13. Don't forget to have fun! Video games are sometimes a favorite.
  14. Did I mention giving up smoking? That means cigars, too.
  15. Keep safety in mind when mowing the yard, or when operating any kind of machinery.
  16. Keeping organized can reduce your stress.
  17. If you believe you are having heart troubles, get to your doctor right away.
  18. Do not wear flip flops! They are dangerous! At the very least, they're not healthy for one's feet.
  19. Don't forget to get some good sleep every night.
  20. Almonds are good for you.
  21. Get outside every once in a while. Hiking is great for this.
  22. Avoid serial killers. Uh duh!
  23. You can have some ice cream, but don't over do it.
  24. Candy bars are the same. You can have one from time to time, but don't live off them.
  25. Don't forget to read a good book from time to time.
  26. Get out there and dance! Show everyone what you've got!
  27. Don't forget to have a good chuckle every once in a while.
  28. Two words: Toilet paper.
  29. Bicycling is another way to work in some exercise.
  30. Every now and then one is okay, but you probably shouldn't eat a Happy Mealevery day of the week.
  31. beer every once in a while won't hurt.
  32. Actually, beer has numerous health benefits.
  33. Use your turn signals. It's a safety thing.
  34. Enjoy a good movie every once in a while.
  35. Learn how to cook. It can be fun and healthy.
  36. Don't forget to give gifts to friends from time to time. Yes, this can benefit you. Not only could you get great gifts in return, but giving can actually make you happy, thus potentially lowering your stress and allowing you to live longer.
  37. Work out your stress. How? Play some Grand Theft Auto. No, seriously.
  38. Honey has plenty of health benefits.
  39. Lemons offer plenty good for your health, as well.
  40. Heck, even tomatoes are supposed to be good for you, but I personally don't care much for them.
  41. There's the old saying that "laughter is the best medicine." There's some truth to that. Here, laugh at Batman.
  42. Or maybe you prefer to laugh at Star Trek?
  43. I'm a dog person myself, but some people prefer kittens. Yes, pets can help you live longer.
  44. For some people, keeping a job lowers their stress level.
  45. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," is another old saying. It's partially true, because apples offer all kinds of health benefits.
  46. Babies make lots of people giggle and happy. But it's up to you whether you think a baby would be good for your health. Or not.
  47. Oatmeal is another food healthy for you.
  48. And don't forget about the benefits of eating a banana.
  49. If you can avoid the wrong end of a firearm all your life, you have a pretty good chance of living longer. Hopefully, that's an easy one to follow.
  50. A little coffee can't hurt, but avoid drinking a lot of it often.
  51. If you like to try different foods, learn about the health benefits of avocados.
  52. Believe it or not, sex actually provides plenty of health benefits. Including relieving stress.
  53. Did you know a little chocolate is good for you?
  54. Don't just eat your food. Have fun with it, too!
  55. Remember that carrots aren't just for rabbits.
  56. And did you know wheat germ offers lots of healthy benefits?
  57. Don't pay attention to conspiracy theories. Nearly all of them are stupid, and they'll just raise your stress level.
  58. Two more words: Sesame oil. Look into it.
  59. Spinach is good for you. Don't forget it.
  60. So is the herb Rosemary.
  61. Heck, even gelatin has some health benefits.
  62. Improve your manners. You'll get along better with others, and that will lower your levels of stress.
  63. Have a hobby.
  64. Or two.
  65. Or more.
  66. Don't forget the herb thyme is also healthy.
  67. Yoga is good for you.
  68. Acupuncture, too.
  69. Avoid all duels. If possible.
  70. Pursue your passions in life! Maybe you want to be a writer. Then write!
  71. Mmmmm. Warm bread.
  72. Yuck! Broccoli. But it's supposed to be good for you.
  73. Try to eat healthy foods whenever you eat.
  74. Be a cautious driver.
  75. Strawberries not only taste good, but they're good for you.
  76. If you like to spice up your food, don't forget that curry is good for you.
  77. Listen to good music. A lot.
  78. Always believe in Santa. Always. Keep the spirit alive.
  79. Laugh at the simple things. Like funny place names.
  80. Don't forget to travel whenever you can. Experience the world!
  81. If you can't travel, another way to experience the world is to read, read, read!
  82. Blueberries. Mmmm. Need I say more.
  83. What about cherries?
  84. Want to live longer? Try not to annoy your boss.
  85. Don't spend all day on the Internet.
  86. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is bad for you, dump them.
  87. Don't worry about zombies. Unlike Santa, they're not real.
  88. At least, not yet.
  89. But even zombies bring some health benefits, believe it or not.
  90. Oh, and don't forget jalapeno peppers are good for you!
  91. And watermelon.
  92. Yes, it's true, even video games have some health benefits.
  93. Did I mention watching good movies?
  94. Move to America! Hell, yeah!
  95. Allow yourself to be nonsensical from time to time. It's fun! It relieves stress!
  96. Laugh at your food.
  97. Find out what's important to you, and spread the word.
  98. Don't ever talk about Fight Club. Did you hear me?!? Don't ever talk about Fight Club!
  99. Visit a good book store from time to time.
  100. Tell someone you love them.

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